Red potatoes

Are Red potatoes healthy? Overview: Red potato, botanically classified as Solanum tuberosum. It is also known as “Dakota Chief” and “Red Pontiac”. It belongs to …

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Blue potato

What are blue potatoes?   Overview:  Blue potatoes have a strangely shaped, dark-skinned purple interior that turns blue when cooked. Naturally blue or purple skin …

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kennebec potatoes

 Kennebec potatoes   What are Kennebec potatoes good for: Kennebec Potato, Botanically Solanum tuberosum classified as ‘Kennebec’. This potato is a hybrid variety that was …

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Yukon gold potatoes

What are Yukon gold potatoes?   Yukon Gold is a large variety of potatoes. The skin is thin, smooth, eyeless and composed of yellow flesh …

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Russet potato

Russet potato   What is Russet potato? The russet potato is thick which is large, long and rough with dark brown skin. A high starch …

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