Blue potato

What are blue potatoes?

Blue potato



Blue potatoes have a strangely shaped, dark-skinned purple interior that turns blue when cooked. Naturally blue or purple skin and flesh contain South American blue potatoes, also known as purple potatoes. Also known as All Blue Potato, Russian Blue, Blue Marker, Congo and several more. A traditional potato with a characteristic deep purple skin and white purple flesh. The midnight moon has almost purple skin and a moist, golden yellow flesh. Compared to white potatoes, these potatoes have higher levels of antioxidants which makes them extra nutritious. It is interesting to make as a superfood as well as to cook and serve. Blue potatoes with many varieties often taste like other potatoes, but their color does not give a special taste. These potatoes are cooked in the same way, but lose some of their pigment when cooked.


Some common types of these potatoes include –

  • Purple Peruvian fingerling potato
  • Purple majesty potato
  • All Blue potato
  • Congo potato
  • Adirondack blue potato
  • Russian blue potato
  • Purple fiesta potato
  • Vitelotte potato


Blue potatoes nutrition Facts


These potatoes contain nutrients similar to those of other varieties of the Solanum tuberosum family, although their mineral content may vary depending on the soil in which they were grown. In fact, most of their nutrients are found in their meat. These energy-rich potatoes are low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium and iron. They are rich in fiber which helps to regulate your digestive system. Blue potatoes contain anthocyanins, a health-promoting antioxidant that protects cells from harmful free radicals and helps reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke.


Serving (100g) of Blue potatoes


Nutrient                                                          Value


Calories                                                             82

Total Fat                                                            1g

Cholesterol                                                        0mg

Sodium                                                              20mg

Total Carbs                                                       16g

Total Sugars                                                      1g

Protein                                                                2g

Fiber                                                                   3g

Manganese                                              6% of the Daily Value (DV) Copper                                                               21% of the DV  

Iron                                                                      2% of the DV Potassium                                                           8% of the DV

Vitamin B6                                                          18% of the DV

Vitamin C                                                          14% of the DV




Blue potatoes healthy benefit


Blood sugar

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of how much a meal raises your blood sugar. However, all potato varieties affect blood sugar levels due to their carbohydrate content. The high concentration of polyphenol plant compounds in purple potatoes may have less effect than other varieties. These compounds can reduce the absorption of starch in the gut. Short- and long-term blood sugar levels improve. It is a good idea to eat purple potatoes instead of white potatoes when looking at your blood sugar. Although the starch in purple potatoes raises blood sugar levels, it is slightly lower than yellow or white starch.


High levels of antioxidants

Purple potatoes, like other colorful fruits and vegetables, with their bright colors are a clear indication that they are rich in antioxidants. In fact, they contain two to three times more antioxidants than white or yellow potatoes. Antioxidants are plant compounds that can protect your cells from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. These potatoes are especially rich in polyphenol antioxidants called anthocyanins. Taking higher anthocyanins is associated with a number of benefits, including healthy cholesterol levels, improved vision and eye health, and a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes. In addition to the high anthocyanin content, these potatoes pack other antioxidants commonly found in all types of potatoes – vitamin C, carotenoid compounds, selenium, tyrosine, caffeic acid, scopoletin, chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid.

Therefore, eating purple potatoes can increase your antioxidant intake and reduce inflammation. They are especially rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant compound associated with advanced eye and heart disease, as well as reducing the risk of chronic disease.


Blood pressure

Eating purple potatoes can improve the health of blood vessels and blood pressure in the body. Because of their high potassium content, they help lower blood pressure, but their antioxidant properties also play a role. Having hard arteries increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. In general, purple potatoes can help relax and strengthen blood vessels. These effects may be related to their polyphenolic antioxidant compounds, which act like some blood pressure-lowering drugs.


Prevent cancer

Several lab research has shown that certain compounds in purple potatoes, along with their antioxidants, help fight cancer, including colon and breast cancer. Another research found that cancer cells treated with purple potato extract grew more slowly. In fact, in some cases, potato extract has been shown to cause cancer cell death. Some compounds in purple potatoes can inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells and even kill them. So add purple potatoes to your diet list.


Fermentation process

Dietary fiber-rich foods help you feel better, prevent constipation, stabilize blood sugar and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The fiber content of potatoes depends on the method of cooking but mostly depends on whether you eat the skin. The starch in purple potatoes is a type of fiber called resistant starch. Resistant starch prevents digestion in your gastrointestinal tract, but bacteria in your large intestine ferment it. This fermentation process produces compounds known as short-chain fatty acids. These compounds contribute to the improvement of intestinal health.

The resistant starch content of potatoes also varies depending on the method of cooking, although it does not seem to change much in the color of the potatoes. Resistant starch is most present when potatoes are cooked. Adding purple potatoes to your diet can increase your fiber intake.  And adding some intestinal-healthy resistant starch to your diet can help. To cut down on the benefits of the biggest fiber, eat them along with the skin.


Brighten the food

You can use purple potatoes in the same way you would use white, yellow or red varieties. Cooking potatoes with light meat is a great way to add more color and interest to your food. Use these to make mashed or baked potatoes and add your favorite toppings for a side dish.

If you like crispy fries, cut them into wedges, toss with olive oil, minced garlic and rosemary, and fry them at 400 ° F (204 ° C) for about 20 minutes or until tender.

Leave the skins, cut them into pieces and boil until they are soft. Then drain and toss with finely chopped onion, a handful of fresh minced meat and some Disney-Vinegrate dressing. Refrigerate and serve chilled.

To take advantage of this potato-resistant starch, use purple potatoes to make potato salads. Boil, fries, chips, mashed or roasted blue potatoes just like you making would any other potato. They are a great recipe to cook and add interest and bright color to your food.


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