Sweet Potatoes are Health Benefits Good For You and Side Effects

Sweet potatoes

Overview of Sweet potatoes:

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a dicotyledonous herbaceous perennial plant. These potatoes belong to the Bindweed or Morning Glory Family, Convolvulasi. Many people mistakenly call this potato a nightshade inclusion. In fact, it does not belong to the nightshade family. It is used as a root vegetable with sweet flavored tuber roots. Young stems and leaves are sometimes eaten as vegetables. Sweet potatoes are remotely related to common potatoes (Solanum tuberosum).

Although dark sweet potatoes are called “yam” in some parts of North America, New Zealand and many parts of Polynesia. However, the species is not closely related to the true yam. Sweet potatoes are called “batata” in Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Brazil and the Dominican Republic. In Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Central America and the Philippines, the sweet potato is known as “camote”. The common term in Quechua for sweet potatoes in Peru and Bolivia is “apichu”.

Sweet potato varieties have been bred to carry tubers with different colored flesh and skin. Edible tuberous roots are long and wrinkled, with smooth skin that comes in yellow, orange, red, brown, purple, and beige. Its flesh ranges from beige to white, red, pink, purple, yellow, orange and purple. Cultivations of sweet potatoes with white or pale yellow flesh are less sweet and moist than those with red, pink, or orange flesh.

The plant has heart-shaped or palmately lobed leaves and medium-sized sympathetic flowers. The flowers open before sunrise and remain open for a few hours. These close again in the morning and begin to dry out. The stalks usually crawl on the ground and form early roots in the nodes. The stalks are 5 to 20 inches long.

When Boiled sweet potatoes retain more beta-carotene and other cooking for sweet potato recipes make the nutrients more absorbent. Nutrition can be retained up to 92% by limiting cooking time. Sweet potatoes for breakfast are a really healthy way to start the day because these potatoes are full of fiber and healthy.

Sweet potato nutrition 

Serving Size: 100 grams

Nutrient                                  Value

Calories                                   86

Total Fat                                  0.1g

Cholesterol                             0mg

Sodium                                  55mg

Total Carbs                             20g

Dietary Fiber                           3g

Total Sugars                            4g

Protein                                     2g

Vitamin A                             709mcg

Vitamin C                              2mg

Vitamin E                              0.3mg

Vitamin K                              2mcg

Thiamin                               0.08mg

Riboflavin                             0.06mg

Niacin                                   0.6mg

Vitamin B-6                         0.21mg

Folate                                  1 1mcg

Pantothenic Acid                  0.8mg

Choline                                 12mg

Calcium                                30mg

Iron                                     0.6mg

Potassium                          337mg

Phosphorus                         47mg

Magnesium                         25mg

Zinc                                    0.3mg

Selenium                             1mcg

Copper                              0.15mg

Manganese                        0.26mg

Sweet potato benefits and side effects

Sweet potatoes are also a rich source of vitamins C and D. Vitamin C is essential for cold prevention and Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin and teeth. Vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of teeth, bones and cells. These potatoes are also a good source of iron. It helps in making white blood cells in our body, preventing stress, keeping the immune system working effectively. These potatoes are also rich in manganese and potassium. Magnesium is needed to keep arteries, blood, bones and muscles healthy and nerves working properly.


Stomach disease

They contain a lot of fiber. It is rich in both soluble and insoluble foods. So helps to be better digested. Eating them also stimulates the growth of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Also useful in stomach ailments like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis. Sweet potatoes also have anti-inflammatory properties. The phytonutrients in sweet potatoes have been shown to help reduce inflammation.


Protects vision

The benefits of sweet potatoes include protection against eye damage. It is incredibly rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can protect the eyes from the damage of free radicals. It may also reduce the risk of exophthalmia (blindness due to vitamin A deficiency). Its benefits can also be noticed in the case of night blindness.


Prevention of diabetes

Another benefit of sweet potato is that it can help improve insulin sensitivity. It contains a lot of dietary fiber and low glycemic index ingredients that can work together to control the body’s blood sugar. The protein hormone ‘adiponectin’ is produced from our fat cells. The adiponectin hormone is low in the body of those with diabetes and sweet potato extract significantly increases the adiponectin value in the body of patients with type 2 diabetes.


Cancer resistant

Beta-carotene is one of the most important antioxidants in the body. Purple sweet potatoes contain antioxidants called anthocyanins. These antioxidants may have carcinogenic properties and protect the body from oxidative stress. One Research found that beta-carotene prevents prostate cancer and colon cancer.


Weight loss

Pectin is the soluble fiber present in sweet potatoes, increases satiety and reduces food intake. The presence of a lot of fiber in sweet potatoes can keep you full for a long time. And thus, it can help you control your weight. Sweet potatoes are not too high in calories and you can easily include them in your diet.


Blood pressure levels

It is a rich source of magnesium and potassium. These compounds significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and other serious coronary problems. Potassium can help control blood pressure.


Heart disease and Healthy heart

These potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6. Potassium helps keep the heart normal, protects the kidneys and keeps them functioning normally. One study found that sweet potatoes are high in vitamin B6, which breaks down blood hemocyanin and keeps blood flowing in arteries and veins. Its potassium helps keep the heart healthy by controlling blood pressure. Also keeps the electrolyte heartbeat regular.


Protects against inflammation

In addition to beta-carotene, sweet potatoes contain significant amounts of vitamins to improve overall health. Most of these sweet potatoes have high antioxidant properties and have anti-inflammatory properties. It also has a high concentration of choline which can reduce the inflammatory response in the body.



Among the benefits of sweet potatoes is improved immunity. Your body is exposed to many potentially pathogenic pathogens, especially your gut, and this reduces your ability to resist other diseases. By improving intestinal health and maintaining a healthy digestive system, sweet potatoes automatically boost your body’s immune system.


Healthy skin

Among the benefits of sweet potatoes for the skin are protection against photojournalism and hyperpigmentation. It is a good source of vitamins E, C and A which can give your skin a healthy glow.


Anxiety Healer

Magnesium helps build healthy blood, bones, heart, muscles and nerves. Magnesium also helps to keep the mind free from stress and anxiety.


Side effects of sweet potato

  Sweet potatoes are a favorite of people who follow a vegetarian diet. In addition to these health benefits, sweet potatoes may have to deal with many health problems.


Maybe stones

Sweet potatoes are high in oxalate. Excess oxalate in the diet can lead to kidney and gallbladder stones in the body. Therefore, you should eat these in moderation.


Vitamin A toxicity

These are a rich source of vitamin A. eating too much sweet potato in the diet can cause vitamin A toxicity in the body. It can cause headaches and rashes.


Kidney failure

If you suffer from liver or kidney problems, you should probably avoid eating them. Eating these in moderation can damage the health of your liver or kidneys.


Heart problems

Since they are rich in potassium, playing them in unhealthy amounts can increase the level of potassium in the body. Eventually hypercalcemia (potassium poisoning) and heart attack.


Stomach problems

They contain mannitol (0.27 per 100 g) which can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloat. So, if you are struggling with stomach discomfort, it is better to avoid eating them.


Problems with blood sugar

Despite being a low glycemic index food, it can cause blood sugar problems in diabetic patients. Therefore, extra care should be taken while eating these.

How to grow sweet potatoes?

The sweet potato plant does not tolerate frost. It grows best at an average temperature of 24 ° C (75 ° F) and with plenty of sunlight. It is not tolerant of waterlogging. This is because waterlogging can cause the decay of tree tubers and slow down the growth of storage roots when ventilation is weak. Depending on the variety and condition, the tuber roots of the plant and the potato mature in two to nine months. These are mostly propagated by cuttings of stems or roots or by advanced stems called “slips” which grow from tuber roots during preservation. Actual seeds are used for breeding only.

The plant grows well in many farming conditions and rarely needs pesticides. Sweet potatoes grow in a variety of soils, but well-drained, light and medium-textured soils are best suited for plants with a pH range of 4.5-7.0. They can be grown in poor soils with little fertilizer. 

 Sweet potatoes are cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical regions where there is sufficient water to support their growth. Since they are sown by cutting vines instead of seeds, sweet potatoes are relatively easy to plant. In the tropics, crops can be maintained on land and collected as needed for market or home use. In temperate regions, sweet potatoes are often grown on large farms and are collected before the first frosts.  

 Sweet potatoes have been a staple food for most of the history of the United States, especially in the southeast. These potatoes have become common food grains in the Pacific islands, southern India, Uganda and other African countries. Boniato is a sweet potato variety grown in the Caribbean. Its flesh is cream-colored, unlike the common orange color found in other varieties. Bonito is not as sweet and moist as other sweet potatoes, but their consistency and delicate taste are different from those of ordinary orange sweet potatoes.

 To properly store these potatoes, freshly dug roots need to be kept dry for two to three hours. Then 90 to 95% relative humidity at 29-32 ° C (85-90 ° F) should be stored for five to fourteen days. Cured sweet potatoes can be stored for 12 months at 13-15 C (55-59 ° F) with 90% relative humidity.

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